International Bioenergy (Shanghai) Exhibition and Asian Bioenergy Conference 2015

The IBSCE is proud to announce its publishing partnership with the renowned research and applications publication “International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology“, published by Inderscience Publishers. Through the arrangement, a selected number of the highest scored abstracts across all of the conference subjects will be invited to be peer reviewed and published in the journal in the special issue “IBSCE 2015: Special Issue on: “Bioenergy and Biofuels in Asia and Europe”. This publication will be in addition to the publication in the IBSCE 2015 Conference Proceedings.

Editor in chief:

  • Prof. M.R. Riazi, Professor of Chemical Engineering, Kuwait University

Guest editors:

  • Prof. Dr. David Chiaramonti, University of Florence, Department of Industrial Engineering, Italy
  • Dr. David Baxter, European Commission JRC, Institute for Energy and Transport, The Netherlands
  • Prof. Dr. Zhenghong Yuan, Guangzhou institute of Energy Conversion Biomass Energy Centre, China